Spartan Hacking Services
We can do everything without limits…

Spartan Team is a collection of some of the greatest hackers that have operated on the deepweb.
We offer a wide range of services and will undertake any job that is within the realm of possibility.
We are only bound by our own ethics which includes finishing any job we started, we dont quit a job halfway.
We aim to make all kind online protections for our valuable clients.

Password Hacking Paypal Hacking
Computer Hacking Facebook Hacking
Email Hacking Website Hacking
Cell Phone Hacking WhatsAPP Hacking
Twitter Hacking iPhone Hacking
Instagram Hacking Android Hacking
Snapchat Hacking Windows Phone Hacking
Telegram Hacking Messenger Hacking
Encrypted Chat Hacking Gmail(youtube) Hacking

Recover stolen bitcoins from scammers
Extracting the user/email/… list from the website
Bachelor Degree (almost any University)
Change grades in schools and universities.
Clean your criminal records
DDOS attack
Hack and control personal as well as corporate computers
Negative link removal from google
Database hacking
Skype hacking
Password recovery.
If you have a website we can diagnose for vulnerabilities

We can check if your phone has been hacked now

…and much more!

You can contact us by e-mail or telegram @hackerhackinghacks

We will try to answer as quickly as possible,write at any time, we are online 24 hours a day

When you contact us – explain the desired service as closely as possible to get rid of confusion.
We perform work of any complexity , prices may vary depending on the complexity of the work.
The range of services may also vary , we can not list all of our services so feel free to ask for other services!

Tools for Hackers(for sale or rent on our servers)

Socialscan Command-Line Tool To Check For Email And Social Media Username Usage

CFRipper CloudFormation Security Scanning & Audit Tool

CredNinja Test Credential Validity of Dumped Credentials or Hashes

Assetfinder Find Related Domains and Subdomains

Karkinos Tool Features Encoding/Decoding

Padre Padding Oracle Attack Exploiter Tool

DataSurgeon Extract Sensitive Information (PII) From Logs

LibInjection Detect SQL Injection (SQLi) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

Grype Vulnerability Scanner For Container Images & Filesystems

Trape OSINT Analysis Tool For People Tracking

Axiom Pen-Testing Server For Collecting Bug Bounties

Cameradar Hack RTSP Video Surveillance CCTV Cameras

HiddenWall Create Hidden Kernel Modules

RandIP Network Mapper To Find Servers